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Golfing with Low Back Pain

Are you a golfer with low back pain? 

Well you are not alone, as low back pain is the injury most common in golfers. Repetitive stress from swinging can lead to a gradual onset/increase in low back pain that can alter your biomechanics and your game. Factors such as posture, joint mobility, balance, coordination, and instability can all contribute to the low back taking the brunt of the massive force put on the body by golf. 

Deficiencies will lead to muscle imbalances and improper firing patterns which can lead to back pain as well as decreased performance. The longer you wait on addressing these issues, the longer it will take to correct them. This is why taking care of your body and getting golf lessons early is crucial.

Core and Hip Stability: It is called ‘core’ for a reason, it stabilizes your body through any and all activities and without it performing well, compensation by other tissues takes place. During a golf swing your core is what controls the rotation, flexion and extension of your trunk and prevents hyper-rotation and hyperextension. Strengthening your core and hip will allow you to increase accuracy and distance while preventing injury.

Joint Mobility is required for a fluid golf swing. Joints that are not moving to their fullest capacity will throw off your swing. Every extra degree of rotation allows the club to accelerate faster and more smoothly. This permits for more distance and accuracy with every swing. This is why pro golfers make it look effortless because they have more time to get to the full potential of a swing. We usually call on the back when there are limitations in motion of the neck, shoulder, knee, ankle, or hip. 

Balance and Coordination allow golfers to have the same swing every time in a variety of different environments and surfaces. Larger muscle groups, like the back, make up for limitations in the muscles of the foot, ankle, knee and hip. For instance, the glut medius allows us to be able to stand on one leg to maintain our balance. If this muscle is not working to its fullest potential, it will increase stress and demand on the low back.  

It is important to discover and address limitations and pain early as it will alter accuracy and distance. The longer compensation mechanisms go, the longer it will take to correct them. 

Every patient and athlete is different, which is why we take an individualized approach to each person. We specialize in therapies that will correct issues that golfers chronically suffer from. We can help reduce your symptoms and improve your game!

To schedule an appointment please call the office at (815)-717-6483, or schedule online at your convenience. For future updates, hours, and news about MVP Chiropractic follow us on facebook!

Written by Dr. Kyle Bastean
Edited by Dr. Michael Veerman

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